Tuesday, October 28, 2008


As most of you know, I turned 40 recently and as I posted about a couple of weeks ago, it has really got me thinking.  What have I done?  Where am I going?  What do I want to do?  Who am I?  I've also been thinking about this thing we call vlogging.  What it has meant to me and where I want to go with it.....or if I even want "it" to go anywhere.....Like I said, a lot of thinking....and well this video expresses some of the feelings I have been having and quite honestly the feelings I have had most of my life....(don't worry it's not a 20 minute vlog....one thing I have learned is that sometimes, short is indeed better)....anyway although the main part of this video was shot for someone else and for something else....it fits my current mood very well.....

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